• Currently Reading

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    Currently bouncing back and forth between two different books, one hardcover and one digital book. I like them both, but I keep getting interrupted when I sit down and open The Secret Book of Flora Lea. For that reason, I’m further along in The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. 

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  • How I Choose my Book of the Month Pick

    • Scan the genres
    • Look at the covers and titles
    • Read the descriptions and recommendations blurbs
    • Look up books of interest on Goodreads and Storygraph
    • Check the number of pages (I don’t want my hard cover to be too heavy)
    • Check the Book of the Month Club Reddit group to see what other people are picking
    • Read the sample excerpt in the Book of the Month app
    • Don’t “vibe” with any of the sample excerpts so far? Start over.
  • Paint and Carpet

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    For the last few days, I’ve been focused on choosing new paint and carpet for the bedroom. I knew that I wanted a light pink paint for the walls, so I picked a few colors that I liked and did test swatches on the walls in the room. The three colors that I sampled were Behr Pink Sea Salt, Behr Angelico, and Behr Stolen Kiss.  I painted swatches on every wall in the room to test the color. It’s amazing how the same color can look so different on walls in the same room! All three colors... [Read More]

  • What Has Been Going On

    Back in February, we discovered wet carpet in our bedroom. The water was coming from a common wall in our condo. It took days to find the leak and stop the water, mainly because the plumbers needed to enter other units. They finally tracked down the leak and shut it off, but we were left with wet carpet and walls that were wet with some holes in them.

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  • Reply By Email

    I opened my RSS reeder to my newly formed folder of Personal Blog feeds and read a nice post on Zinzy’s website about her puppy meeting a cat. I noticed that she has a “reply by email” link. It was just a normal mailto link to her email address. I made a short reply by email and thought that was a pretty nice way to comment.

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